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I AHOBER (2023)

ERAGIYOK organizes AHOBER, a cycle of equal voices in Astigarraga.


Jatorki Ahots Zuriak

JATORKI Ahots Zuriak

Conductor: Joxean Llorente

Parish Church of Astigarraga

Saturday, June 3 | 20:00

Grave Voices of Madrid


Conductor: Juan Pablo de Juan

Erribera kulturgunea

Saturday, October 7 | 19:00

Eragiyok Getaria


Conductor: Ander Simal

Parish Church of Astigarraga

Saturday, December 23 | 19:00

On its fifth anniversary, ERAGIYOK began organizing AHOBER, a cycle of equal voices .


The first edition consisted of three concerts:


  • June 3: JATORKI Ahots Zuriak – Parish Church of Astigarraga.

  • October 7: VOCES GRAVES DE MADRID – Erribera kulturgunea.

  • December 23: ERAGIYOK + Matías Sagreras (organ) + Oiasso Boskotea – Parish Church of Astigarraga.


JATORKI Ahots Zuriak

JATORKI Ahots Zuriak has as its predecessor the white voice choir that was born within Jatorki Abesbatza in 1989 for the Choral Competition organized by Basque Television, obtaining first prize in the Basque Folklore category and in Polyphonic Music prior to the 16th century category. The quality demonstrated led them to be invited to participate in the Tolosa International Choral Competition. Later it participated, among others, in the Basque Music Week in Errenteria.

After several years on hiatus, JATORKI resumed the white voices group in 2015 in ochote  (eight members) format, offering its first concert at the in Bermeo. Since then, JATORKI Ahots Zuriak has continued its musical career offering numerous concerts throughout Biscay and other places: International Festival of Otxotes in Portugalete, IV Otxote Topaketa in Bilbao, II Festival of Women's Choirs “Maria Luisa Ozaita” organized by the Sestao City Council, Festival of Ochotes in Kanbo, in the 2022 edition of Otoño Musical Castreño organized by Coro Los Templarios de Castro…

JATORKI Ahots Zuriak stars in the first album of the collection “The Art of True Music” by AusArt records, recorded in 2015 and presented at the Durango Record and Book Fair in 2016.

The conductor of JATORKI Ahots Zuriak is Joxean Llorente Etxeberria.


The CORO DE VOCES GRAVES DE MADRID GGC was founded in 1995 and currently has fifty members. It performs under the direction of Juan Pablo de Juan.

The choir has received more than 20 awards in national and international competitions, including Genk (Belgium, 2022), Cork (Ireland, 2017), Varna (Bulgaria, 2010) and Torrevieja (2006, 2009, 2014). It has performed more than 260 concerts, including invitations to renowned national and international festivals and radio and television broadcasts. It has performed in the most important auditoriums in Spain, such as the Palau de la Música in Valencia, Teatro Monumental, Auditorio Nacional de Música or Teatros del Canal.

Its versatility allows it to tackle diverse musical styles and innovative programmes, from contemporary sacred music and popular music to symphonic-choral works.

Among the great works performed, Shostakovich's Babi Yar Symphony No. 13, conducted by Vasily Petrenko, stands out, the Spanish premiere of the original version of Frank Liszt's Requiem at the CAM Festival of Sacred Art, and the self-produced premiere of the version for two organs from Cherubini's Requiem .

AHOBER - Grave Voices of Madrid
AHOBER ERAGIYOK Gabonetako kontzertua.jpg

Matias Sagreras

He was born in Buenos Aires, where he began his piano studies at the “Ástor Piazzolla” Municipal Conservatory. Later he obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Musical Arts with a specialisation in organ, at the National University of the Arts. In 2018 he specialised in this instrument at Musikene with Esteban Landart. Likewise, he carried out private studies with Daniel Roth, Loïc Mallié and Juan de la Rubia, as well as receiving master classes with Ben van Oosten, Wolfgang Zerer and Leo van Doeselaar, among others.

He has given concerts in his native country, as well as in the Basque Country, Spain, Switzerland, Mexico, the United States, Brazil and Uruguay, as a soloist and with important orchestras and choirs.

He is currently organist at the Paris Church of San Sebastián Mártir (San Sebastián) and organ teacher at the Bilbao Choral Society.

OIASSO Boskotea

Oiasso Boskotea is made up of soloists and members of the Oiasso Kamerata string orchestra, which has been disseminating the repertoire for that kind of formation for 10 years, having managed to reach a wide audience in a large number of concerts.

As a quintet, they have performed the complete string works by composer Valentín Larrea, as well as performing with other repertoires at the inauguration of FICAB, Tabakalera in San Sebastián, and the permanent musical cycle of Lasarte-Oria, among others.

Eragiyok en Teatro Victoria Eugenia

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