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AHOBER, cycle of equal voices

ERAGIYOK organizes AHOBER, a cycle of equal voices in Astigarraga.


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Hots Abesbatza

Conductor: Aitor Biain Bidarte

Erribera kulturgunea

Saturday, April 27 | 19:00

ERAGIYOK Segovian 05.jpg


Conductor: Miguel Gálvez Yubero

Erribera kulturgunea

Saturday, September 28 | 19:00

Eragiyok Getaria


Conductor: Ander Simal Alberdi

Erribera kulturgunea

Saturday, December 14 | 19:00

+  Txirriskla Txistulari Taldea

Since 2023, ERAGIYOK has been organising AHOBER, a cycle of equal voices in Astigarraga .


The second edition will consist of three concerts:


  • April 27: Hots Abesbatza (Oñati) - Erribera kulturgunea.

  • September 28: TuttoVoce (Segovia) & ERAGIYOK - Erribera kulturgunea.

  • December 14: ERAGIYOK & Txirriskla Txistulari Taldea - Erribera kulturgunea.


With this cycle, ERAGIYOK aims to increase the cultural offer of Astigarraga, surrounding towns and Gipuzkoa, in a less worked area, that of equal voice groups. In doing so, it continues the work undertaken to work and disseminate the repertoire of equal voices . Not in vain, throughout its career ERAGIYOK has performed more than one hundred works of this kind, eighty of them by Basque musicians.


The cycle allows us to broaden that perspective, through works written for white voices and low voices by Basque and foreign composers , in an event that is held annually.

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AHOBER 2024 Hots v2.PNG


Hots Abesbatza was created from the bases of Oñati's Ganbara Abesbatza in 2016 by director Aitor Biain Bidarte. Today it has more than 40 female voices.


Since its premiere in the year of its creation, it has had an extensive career, participating in music cycles, concerts and various meetings.


The audiovisual production “Oroimenean”, which tells the story, experiences and thoughts of a person who suffers from Alzheimer's disease, stands out. To round out this project, Hots Abesbatza wanted to record an album with the trajectory of these almost 4 years, under the same title “Oroimenean”.


Also worthy of special mention is the audiovisual projection "Amalurra", designed for choir, piano, bertsolari and a dance group, which demands a call for help to save the planet.


The Choir has been awarded in 2022 after its participation in the 49th Ejea de Los Caballeros Choral Contest (Zaragoza, Spain), obtaining the Third Prize and the Audience Prize. In 2023 it obtained first place in the section of equal voices in the international competition "Fondazione Guido d 'Arezzo" and 4th place in the Secular modality.


It performs a cappella repertoire with piano accompaniment, from the classical period to contemporary music, including traditional Basque music and music of other nationalities. It also works with chamber orchestra accompaniment, in somewhat larger projects or to bring to stage works that require it. Today the group's accompanying pianist is Amaia Zipitria.


Hots Abesbatza has premiered several works by well-known composers, such as Eva Ugalde, Josu Elberdin, Junkal Guerrero, etc.


TuttoVoce was founded as a group of bass voices in 1999, bringing together singers with previous musical experience from diverse backgrounds. Their repertoire includes a wide variety of rhythms (boleros, habaneras, tangos, poetry set to music, traditional music, etc.) with a significant presence of popular Latin American music, and all of them arranged for the group by its conductor Miguel Gálvez Yubero.


It has performed in many places in Spain and abroad, with notable performances such as the two awards it received at the XXII Certamen de la Canción Marinera y Habanera de Luanco (Asturias, Spain).


In 2015 it was selected to participate in the 61st edition of the Certamen Internacional de Habaneras y Polifonía de Torrevieja, where it stood out “for its unique and different version of the obligatory habanera and for its fresh interpretation of polyphonic works, reaching the audience in a direct and simple way.”


In 2018, it inaugurated the 'I Trobada Nacional Corals i Patrimoni', held in Ibiza, and shared the bill with the prestigious Voces Graves de Madrid choir at the Certamen de Voces Iguales de Villarrobledo (Albacete, Spain).


In 2022, it participated with ERAGIYOK in the 'XVI Festival International de Chant Choral du Pays d'Orthe' held in six locations in Nouvelle Aquitaine (France).


In 2023 it hosted the Encuentro de voces graves held together with ERAGIYOK at the Juan Bravo Theater in Segovia.


Conductor: Miguel Galvez Yubero.

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It began in 1973 with the inauguration of Pelotari street in Astigarraga by a group of txistularis from Astigarraga, and since then it has been part of all the important activities and celebrations in the town.


Taking their name from the greenfinch or 'txirriskila' (a kind of green sparrow), the group is currently made up of a dozen txistularis and atabalaris. Their aim is to disseminate and make known the different txistu melodies of the Basque Country, and to do so they perform on various occasions throughout the year in Astigarraga: the opening of the cider season, Carnivals, San Isidro, San Juan, the festivities of Santiago, the celebration of the new apple harvest... Since 1989 they have been brightening up the dawn of the people of Astigarraga every Sunday morning, playing reveille in the streets of the village. In addition, throughout the year they travel to perform in different places in the Basque Country.


In addition to all this, their annual celebration takes place on Saint Cecilia's Day, and so they celebrated their golden anniversary in 2022 with txistularis from all over the Basque Country and cultural associations from Astigarraga (Astigar dance group, Astigarraga giants, ERAGIYOK, Aiztondo choir, members of the Norberto Almadoz Music School...) in a very special concert.

Eragiyok en Teatro Victoria Eugenia

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Thanks to your help we will continue to promote and spread our music and our culture, maintaining the treasure that our ancestors left us.

Enjoy music with us!

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